Chicken Allergy In Dogs (FREE SEMINAR)

Chicken Allergy In Dogs (FREE SEMINAR)

A chicken allergy in dogs is a common food intolerance that can cause skin and digestive issues: Skin issues: Itchy, red, inflamed skin, rashes, hives, fur loss, and hot spots.

These issues can be especially noticeable on the ears, face, paws, and abdomen. Digestive issues: Vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and other gastrointestinal issues. Dogs with a chicken allergy may also have anal gland issues, which can cause them to scoot their bottom on the floor.

Other symptoms: Ear infections, foot infections, and obsessive licking. Food Allergies in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment Chicken is one of the most common protein sources in dog foods and treats, so it's important to know if your dog can tolerate it.

Some dogs can have small amounts of chicken, but should avoid it as part of their main diet. Others may need to avoid it completely. If you suspect your dog has a chicken allergy, you should eliminate it from their diet to see if their symptoms improve. 


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